Category Archives: Brush Up: Dental Care!

Want to Protect Children’s Teeth? This New Tool Can Help!

In February, show your love for children’s good oral health!  It’s National Children’s Dental Health Month and the perfect time to encourage parents and caregivers to check those tiny teeth. Not sure where to start? That’s OK! Your friends at ToothTalk have you covered. Your Child Can Keep That Healthy Smile, a brand-new oral health…
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Five Great Ways to Position Children for Optimal Toothbrushing

We all know toothbrushing is the most effective way to prevent tooth decay in children. But, how do you get a wiggly little one to stay still long enough to brush? There are many ways to hold a child for toothbrushing. Sit on the floor or the bed, with the child’s head in your lap,…
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