Five Great Ways to Position Children for Optimal Toothbrushing

We all know toothbrushing is the most effective way to prevent tooth decay in children. But, how do you get a wiggly little one to stay still long enough to brush? There are many ways to hold a child for toothbrushing.

  1. Sit on the floor or the bed, with the child’s head in your lap, or in another comfortable position.
  2. Sit knee-to-knee with another adult with the child’s head in one lap and body in the other lap.
  3. Hold the child in your arms sideways.
  4. Sit while the toddler stands.
  5. Brush while the baby is playing in the bathtub.

No matter how you hold a child, the important thing is to brush every tooth with fluoride toothpaste, two times a day.  There’s no need for young children to spit or rinse with water.

Remember, adults brush, children help! Of course, let children take a turn brushing. But, keep in mind that children’s hands can’t hold the toothbrush quite right just yet to get toothpaste on every tooth. So, adults should brush little teeth every time.

Keep toothbrushing fun and effective. Use the correct amount of children’s fluoride toothpaste: a thin smear the size of a grain of rice for babies up to age three, and a dot the size of a small pea for children ages three to six.

To see a handy video on brushing young children’s teeth, click Brushing Is Fun.

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