Category Archives: Toothbrushing

NC Child Care Sanitation Rules Benefit Toothbrushing Programs

What’s the biggest concern of parents and child care providers regarding kids’ teeth health? No, it’s not bottle-weaning, healthy snacks...or even that first dental visit by age 1. Hands down, you and the parents in your program say brushing young children’s teeth and preventing cavities are your top concerns.  That’s what you told Tooth Talk…
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8 Things You DON’T Want to Do to a Toothbrush

While the average toothbrush costs just pennies a day, this humble tool provides priceless benefits to young children. Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste protects teeth, which helps little ones eat and grow (so they can reach those important developmental milestones), speak, learn, play, feel good about themselves and, of course, smile. Show the…
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