Category Archives: Babies and a Dental Home

New Tooth Talk Video Reveals Top 3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Protect Children’s Healthy Smiles

Tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease. It hurts...and affects a   child’s ability to talk, eat, learn, play, sleep and smile.                      Fortunately, tooth decay in children is also preventable. Stopping tooth decay is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

# 1 Brush children’s teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day.

# 2 Take children to the dentist for a check-up by the first birthday.

# 3 Don’t give very young children juice and other sugary drinks.


Remember, oral health affects a child’s overall health. The parents in your program will appreciate that these tips for good oral health are fast, easy, and fun.

Want to know how you can put a healthy smile on a child’s face...and keep it there? Click on this short, new Tooth Talk video Top 3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Protect Children’s Healthy Smiles.

Tooth Talk Reveals the Shocking Truth Behind Tooth Health Myths

According to a May 2014 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, nearly half of Americans believe in a medical conspiracy theory, from blaming vaccinations for causing autism to thinking that pharmaceutical companies are blocking FDA release of a cure for cancer. Both are false. However, the research finds that these beliefs can often lead to poor health practices, ultimately affecting overall well-being. Following are some of the top tooth health myths and good answers you can give to parents when they have questions.
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Tooth Talk Video Helps You Explain Baby’s 1st Dentist Visit to Parents

The first dental visit is mostly educational for parents. The dentist will counsel parents about nutrition, weaning from the bottle to a sippy cup, the proper technique of tooth-brushing, the importance of fluoride, the problems tooth pain can cause to a baby’s growth and development, and other topics that foster a child’s healthy smile.
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