Tooth Talk Reminder: Don’t Take a Vacay from Brushing!

You deserve a vacation...but your teeth don’t. Continuing to brush young children’s teeth with good-for-you fluoride toothpaste is as essential to a fun and healthy summer as sunscreen and water wings!  These tips can help you keep the kids (and yourself!) in the groove:

  • Don’t break the habit. It takes time to get young children used to brushing teeth. Don’t undo all of that good work just because school’s out or you’re on vacation.  Brushing children’s teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day for two minutes is the proven most effective and inexpensive way to prevent tooth decay. Brushing keeps kids smiling, eating, growing, talking, learning, and playing pain-free.
  • Choose healthy snacks and avoid added sugars. Summer fun often comes with more calories...much of it from sugar, which could cause painful tooth decay. Of course, occasional treats are fun, but day-to-day, continue to make healthy choices for little ones by including plenty of cut up fresh fruit and raw veggies; whole grain crackers, chips, and breads; yogurt and cottage cheese; peanut butter; eggs; and cubes of cheese. Remember, you’re not just watching children’s calories: Healthy food choices improve overall health, building strong bones and muscles and boosting brain development.
  • Switch to a new soft toothbrush. The American Dental Association recommends replacing toothbrushes every three to four months. Easy–do it at the beginning of each season: winter, spring, summer, and fall!
  • Summer is the perfect time to make an appointment for children to see the dentist, since school is out. Remember, for good oral as well as overall health, make little ones’ first dental appointments by age one.

Good dental health makes sense...dollars and sense! Brushing young children’s teeth with fluoride toothpaste may save money on costly dental visits to repair problems.  You can spend that cash on a fun getaway for everyone!

Confused about the right amount of safe and healthy fluoride toothpaste for children? See the free app.

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