New Report Doesn’t Change Facts about Fluoride in Tap Water

Did you know one of the easiest and best ways to protect your smile from tooth decay is by drinking tap water? That’s right! If you live in an area where your community water system adjusts the water to contain the right amount of fluoride, your teeth are protected against tooth decay by community water fluoridation. In fact, research shows that water with optimal levels of fluoride can reduce tooth decay in children and adults by 25%. What’s even better? This cost-effective tool has been making a difference in smiles for almost 80 years!

In recent weeks, you may have heard about a new report that links high fluoride levels to lower IQ in children. As strong advocates for oral health in your communities, the report may have been alarming or even angering. Fret not, your trusty partners at ToothTalk want you to be equipped with the facts so that you can continue to be a Community Water Fluoridation Warrior.

Fact # 1: The report identifies the threshold for the potential level of harm to be 1.5 ppm, which is double the amount of optimal fluoride (0.7 ppm) that is typically added to community water systems to reduce tooth decay. In fact, a more recent version of the report could not find harm associated with water containing optimal levels of fluoride (0.7 ppm).

Fact # 2: The report did not consider the many benefits of adding the recommended amount (0.7 ppm) of fluoride to protect against tooth decay.

Fact # 3: The report found an association, but not causation, between IQ levels and much higher levels of fluoride than recommended by the US Public Health Service.

Fact # 4: The process by which data was gathered and scientifically evaluated for the report was limited.

Our partners and experts at the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Dental Association continue to support and recommend drinking optimally fluoridated water. Wondering what you can do?

*Provide fluoridated water in between meals.

*Provide parents and caregivers with evidence-based information about community water fluoridation from accurate trustworthy sources, including:

- I Like My Teeth

- American Dental Association

- American Academy of Pediatrics

*Continue to partner with oral health and community water fluoridation champions in your community.

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