Celebrate National Oral Health Month with 8 Tips for Improving Children’s Teeth Health

The month of June always gives families something to smile about. (Hello, summer vacation!) It’s also National Oral Health Month, the perfect opportunity to focus on healthy smiles–especially for young children.  Good dental health for kids is as easy as, well, catching a firefly!

Here are eight things you can do right now to protect little teeth that are fast, simple, cost-effective, and proven healthy for fighting tooth decay.

  1. Brush children’s teeth twice a day using safe and effective fluoride toothpaste. There’s no need to rinse after brushing.
  2. Use pacifiers safely only until age one. Don’t dip them in honey or other sweet or sugary products.
  3. Don’t put children to bed with any food or drinks other than water.
  4. Make sure children drink fluoridated water.
  5. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet; limit sugary foods and drinks.
  6. Serve children water to drink between meals instead of milk or juice.
  7. Schedule regular visits to the dentist starting at age one.
  8. Set a good example and protect the whole family’s oral health (and overall health) by making sure everyone visits the dentist for regular check-ups.

Celebrate National Oral Health Month and kick off summer the right way: Schedule that dental visit now. Most Medicaid insurance covers dental care for both children and adults. No dentist? No problem! Find a Medicaid dental provider at this website.

Remember: A healthy smile is the key to a healthy body. Want more information on National Oral Health Month and other teeth topics? Follow NC DHHS for great, evidence-based advice on Facebook, Instagram, and X/Twitter.

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