Recent Posts by Tooth Talk

The Right Time to Brush Little Teeth

You’ve done everything right. You understand the importance of brushing little ones’ teeth. You’ve bought a child-size toothbrush and child-friendly fluoride toothpaste. But you may be wondering, when is the best time of day for brushing young children’s teeth? When to brush children’s teeth is not important. However, experts agree: Parents should always  brush their…
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Tooth Talk’s 2023 Gratitude List!

It’s said, feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. So, this season, we’re telling it like it is: We are grateful for all the people working to ensure children have healthy teeth! From parents and child care providers to pediatric dentists and pediatrician offices, we thank you…
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KISS… Keep It Short and Sweet: 2 x 2 = Smile!

This month, we’re keeping it short and sweet (to match the recommended amount of Halloween candy kids are allowed to eat!). In honor of National Brush Day on November 1, we are celebrating math that works for kids: 2 x 2. What’s 2 x 2? 2 x 2 = a healthy smile in very young…
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