About Us

About Tooth Talk

Tooth decay (cavities) is the most common chronic childhood disease. It hurts... and it affects a child’s ability to eat, sleep, play, learn and feel self-confident. Fortunately, it’s also simple and inexpensive to prevent! Brushing two times a day with fluoride toothpaste, starting at the appearance of the first baby tooth, works! Begin with a tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste the size of a grain of rice, and at the third birthday, switch to “a pea for me at age 3!”

Tooth Talk is an easy-to-use website that gives childcare providers, parents and healthcare and other professionals the latest information on improving young children’s dental health.


A collaboration of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the NC Division of Public Health Oral Health Section, this website is a clearinghouse of good tips, resources parents will love, up-to-date expert answers to frequently asked questions and super-short, super-helpful videos designed to help you support parents in protecting kids’ healthy smiles.

Tooth Talk is part of the Brushing Is Fun, Start By Age 1 initiative, and is funded by a grant from The Duke Endowment through the Foundation for Health Leadership & Innovation.