Tooth Talk Tips Help You Communicate Better with Parents

“Good communication is two people sitting down and talking and both parties listening to both opinions and to what both people have to say.”

–Fred, a parent

“I want to be spoken to like an adult, very respectfully.”

Renee, a parent

That’s what motivational interviewing is all about. It’s a way to communicate that is more collaborative, supportive, respectful and inspiring. Best of all, it works. In your discussions with parents, use your OARS:

O = Ask open-ended questions.
A = Affirm positive behaviors.
R = Reflect back what is said.
S = Summarize what is discussed.

And, remember, motivation to change comes from the parent, not you.

  • It’s the parent’s job to figure things out.
  • It’s your job to help motivate and direct the parent to look at and understand challenges…it’s the parent’s job to act to overcome them.

To learn more about motivational interviewing, see the short, helpful Tooth Talk videos.

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